VFW Post 549 of Tucson Charities is a 501c3 charity organized and operated by members of VFW Post 549. Its mission is to provide for veterans in immediate need through specific person-to-person service programs; foster a shared experience among United States veterans of overseas conflicts; serve our deployed military and their families; and advocate on behalf of all veterans by promoting community awareness. The area of emphasis is Pima County, and the particular areas of focus are hunger and homelessness.


The charity has reached out to veterans who have left military service as well as active and reserve component veterans still serving and their families. Examples of the charity's work include acquiring and delivering rescued produce to veterans’ assistance organizations, providing food cards for veterans’ food banks, providing dinners for blind veterans, providing funds for temporary housing for displaced veterans, and providing assistance to veterans with emergency needs.


The charity is funded strictly through grants and private donations. An important source of funding is through the Arizona Qualified Charitable Organization (QCO) program. This allows single and married Arizona income taxpayers to directly contribute up to $421 and $842 respectively and receive a full tax credit of these amounts towards their Arizona state income tax. The charity has QCO Arizona number#22235 for the current tax year.   Click here for more information.

A continuing program of VFW Post 549 of Tucson Charities is the "No Vet Goes Hungry" program.  This program has been ongoing since 2021 in conjunction with the Arizona Department of Veterans Affairs. It is specifically focused on the direct delivery of food to alleviate the hunger needs of veterans in Pima County.  Click here to read the press release.

We are proud to have this organization as part of our service to the community.


Tacos for the Blind

Donation to Fischer House


 Hams for DM